After Grain Technologies locked all of its borrowers from making payment through its app (or by any other means), it then began to report that Damon Biddle was delinquent on payments. After filing unsuccessful disputes showing that any delinquencies were due to the failure of Grain Technologies to accept payments, Mr. Biddle brought suit pursuant to FCRA against Grain Technologies and several credit reporting agencies. The magistrate court, in an opinion adopted by the district court, held that Mr. Biddles' dispute questioned the validity of the underlying debt and that such a "collateral attack" on the debt was an impermissible legal dispute and not a factual dispute as contemplated by FCRA.
It would seem that to the Big Brother credit reporting agencies, every dispute is a legal question under FCRA and not factual to such an extent that they would even contend that since 2+2 can equal 5, since, depending on the legal regime under which one lives (just like "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength"), that could be true.
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