Not only do payday lenders apparently spend generously on lobbyists, but also seem to compensate their lawyers rather nicely and without limit.
See: Moses v. Cashcall
Last night, the Senate passed by unanimous consent a bill (HR 2192) that would renew an exemption in 11 USC ยง 707(b)(2)(D) for reservists and National Guard members from Chapter 7 bankruptcy means-testing requirements. The bill would amend a 2008 law to make reservists and Guard members that have served on active duty or homeland defenses for at least 90 days since Sept. 11, 2001 eligible for the exemption through 2015.
The bill now goes to the President where it is expected to be signed into law.
In a striking example of bi-partisan support, the House of Representative passed the H.R. 2192 by a vote of 407-1. This bill would renew the National Guard and Reservist Debt Relief Act ("NGARDRA") for an additional 4 years.
First enacted in 2008, NGARDRA relieves National Guard and Reserve service members of many of the onerous provisions of the Bankruptcy Act, by providing that if such a service member found him or herself in the unfortunate position of needing to file bankruptcy in the 18-months after returning from active duty